Comparison of Numbers

Comparing numbers involves determining their relative magnitudes and order. Here are the main comparison operators used to compare numbers:

  1. Greater Than (>):-  This operator is used to check if one number is larger than another. Example: 5 > 3      (5 is greater than 3)
  2. Less Than (<):-  This operator is used to check if one number is smaller than another. Example: 2 < 7      (2 is less than 7)
  3. Greater Than or Equal To (>=):-  This operator is used to check if one number is larger than or equal to another.      Example: 4 >= 4 (4 is greater than or equal to 4)
  4. Less Than or Equal To (<=):-  This operator is used to check if one number is smaller than or equal to another.    Example: 1 <= 1 (1 is less than or equal to 1)
  5. Equal To (==):-  This operator is used to check if two numbers are equal.  Example: 6 == 6  (6 is equal to 6)
  6. Not Equal To (!=):-  This operator is used to check if two numbers are not equal. Example: 3 != 8   (3 is not equal to 8)

When comparing numbers, it's important to consider the context in which the comparison is being made. For example, when dealing with integers or real numbers, the standard comparison operators as mentioned above are used. However, when comparing numbers represented in different formats, such as scientific notation or floating-point representation in computers, additional considerations may be necessary due to potential precision issues.

In addition to simple comparisons between two numbers, you can also compare multiple numbers to find the minimum (smallest) or maximum (largest) value among them. This can be useful in various scenarios, such as finding the highest score in a set of exam results or identifying the lowest temperature in a dataset.

Overall, comparing numbers is a fundamental concept in mathematics and is extensively used in various fields, including computer programming, data analysis, and decision-making.

Other way of understanding -

Comparing numbers involves determining the relationship between different numerical values. There are several comparison operations used to express these relationships:

  1. Greater Than (>): The greater than symbol ">" is used to compare two numbers and indicates that the number on the left is larger than the number on the right. For example:
  • 5 > 3   (5 is greater than 3)
  1. Less Than (<): The less than symbol "<" is used to compare two numbers and indicates that the number on the left is smaller than the number on the right. For example:
  • 2 < 7   (2 is less than 7)
  1. Greater Than or Equal To (>=): The greater than or equal to symbol ">=" is used to compare two numbers and indicates that the number on the left is either larger or equal to the number on the right.  For example:
  • 4 >= 4     (4 is greater than or equal to 4)
  1. Less Than or Equal To (<=): The less than or equal to symbol "<=" is used to compare two numbers and indicates that the number on the left is either smaller or equal to the number on the right. For example:
  • 2 <= 2     (2 is less than or equal to 2)
  1. Equal To (==):-   The equal to symbol "==" is used to compare two numbers and indicates that the numbers on both sides are the same. For example:
  • 6 == 6        (6 is equal to 6)
  1. Not Equal To (!=): The not equal to symbol "!=" is used to compare two numbers and indicates that the numbers on both sides are not the same. For example:
  • 3 != 4     (3 is not equal to 4)

When comparing numbers, it's essential to use the appropriate comparison operator based on the context of the problem or the data being analyzed. These comparison operations are widely used in programming, mathematics, statistics, and everyday decision-making.

To compare between two numbers we need to find out smallest or biggest number then we have to put smaller than ( < ) sign or greater than ( > ) sign.

There are some example given below for your better understanding -

In below we can observe that, there are some group of numbers has given, now we have to find out the in between the given group which is smaller and which is bigger.

Below we will be discussing case by case, in the given group we will try to understand which number is bigger or smaller.

1)  Here two number given, 15 & 37. Here 15 is previous number than 37, so 15 is smaller than 37. We can denote like = 15 < 37  (15 is smaller than 37) or  37 > 15 (37 is greater than 15).

2)  Here two number given, 21 & 31. Here 21 is previous number than 31, so 21 is smaller than 31. We can denote like = 21 < 31  (21 is smaller than 31) or 31 > 21 (31 is greater than 21).

3) Here two number given, 85 & 54. Here 54 is previous number than 85, so 54 is smaller than 85. We can denote like = 54 < 85 (54 is smaller than 85) or 85 > 54 (85 is greater than 54).

4)  Here two number given, 24 & 39. Here 24 is previous number than 39, so 24 is smaller than 39. We can denote like = 24 < 39 (24 is smaller than 39)  or  39 > 24 (39 is greater than 24).

5)  Here two number given, 27 & 41. Here 27 is previous number than 41, so 27 is smaller than 41. We can denote like = 27 < 41 (27 is smaller than 41) or  41 > 27  (41 is greater than 27).

6)  Here two number given, 72 & 18. Here 18 is previous number than 72, so 18 is smaller than 72. We can denote like = 18 < 72  (18 is smaller than 72)  or  72 > 18  (72 is greater than 18).

7)  Here two number given, 30 & 12. Here 12 is previous number than 30, so 12 is smaller than 30. We can denote like = 12 < 30  (12 is smaller than 72)  or  30 > 12  (30 is greater than 12).

8)  Here two number given, 28 & 46. Here 28 is previous number than 46, so 28 is smaller than 46. We can denote like = 28 < 46  (28 is smaller than 46) or  46 > 28  (46 is greater than 28).