Color the box with the Biggest number yellow and the Smallest number Blue


In above given number series the numbers are given 245, 324, 127. If we compare hundred place of three given numbers then we can find 3 from number 324 is bigger than 1 ( 3 > 1) from 127 and bigger than 2 ( 3 > 2 ) from 245. So, here we can conclude that 324 is the biggest number between three given numbers.

If we compare hundred place of three given numbers then we can find 1 from number 127 is smaller than 2 ( 1 < 2 ) from 245 and smaller than 3 ( 1 < 3 ) from 324. So, here we can conclude that 127 is the smallest number between three given numbers.

So, here we can say 127 < 245 < 324  or  324 > 245 > 127, so 127 is the smallest number and color by blue and as 324 is the biggest number and color by yellow.


In above given number series the numbers are given 333, 574, 342. If we compare hundred place of three given numbers then we can find 5 from number 574 is bigger than 3 ( 5 > 3) from 333 and 342 respectively. So, here we can conclude that 574 is the biggest number between three given numbers.

If we compare hundred place of three given numbers then we can find 3 from number 333 is smaller than 5 ( 3 < 5 ) from 574 but when we compare with the hundred place of 342 we find place value of hundreds are equal ( 3 = 3) or same, in that case we have to compare tens place of 333 and 342 and we find 3 from number 333 is smaller than 4 ( 3 < 4 ) from 342. So, here we can conclude that 333 is the smallest number between three given numbers.

So, here we can say 333 < 342 < 574  or  574 > 342 > 333, so 333 is the smallest number and color by blue and as 574 is the biggest number and color by yellow


In above given number series the numbers are given 427, 273, 186. If we compare hundred place of three given numbers then we can find 4 from number 427 is bigger than 2 ( 4 > 2 ) from 273 and bigger than 1 ( 4 > 1 ) from 186. So, here we can conclude that 427 is the biggest number between three given numbers.

If we compare hundred place of three given numbers then we can find 1 from number 186 is smaller than 2 ( 1 < 2 ) from 273 and smaller than 4 ( 1 < 4 ) from 427. So, here we can conclude that 186 is the smallest number between three given numbers.

So, here we can say 186 < 273 < 427  or  427 > 273 > 186, so 186 is the smallest number and color by blue and as 427 is the biggest number and color by yellow.


In above given number series the numbers are given 634, 751, 348. If we compare hundred place of three given numbers then we can find 7 from number 751 is bigger than 6 ( 7 > 6 ) from 634 and bigger than 3 ( 7 > 3 ) from 348. So, here we can conclude that 427 is the biggest number between three given numbers.

If we compare hundred place of three given numbers then we can find 3 from number 348 is smaller than 6 ( 3 < 6 ) from 634 and smaller than 7 ( 3 < 7 ) from 751. So, here we can conclude that 348 is the smallest number between three given numbers.

So, here we can say 348 < 634 < 751  or  751 > 634 > 348, so 348 is the smallest number and color by blue and as 751 is the biggest number and color by yellow.


In above given number series the numbers are given 475, 245, 389. If we compare hundred place of three given numbers then we can find 4 from number 475 is bigger than 2 ( 4 > 2 ) from 245 and bigger than 3 ( 4 > 3 ) from 389. So, here we can conclude that 475 is the biggest number between three given numbers.

If we compare hundred place of three given numbers then we can find 2 from number 245 is smaller than 4 ( 2 < 4 ) from 475 and smaller than 3 ( 2 < 3 ) from 389. So, here we can conclude that 245 is the smallest number between three given numbers.

So, here we can say 245 < 389 < 475 or  475 > 389 > 245, so 245 is the smallest number and color by blue and as 475 is the biggest number and color by yellow.