The division is repeated subtraction of the same number from a big number through a simple way with an investment of minimum time. The sign of division is  ‘ ÷ ’    

Division mean equal sharing or grouping between same or different group.

The number which is to be divided is named DIVIDEND

The number which divides the ‘Dividend’ is called ‘DIVISOR

The answer of Division is calledQUOTIENT’ 

DIVISORDIVIDEND ( QUOTIENT        OR              



        -------------  =    QUOTIENT


Divide and Write the Quotient-

Q.1)  Divide 28 by 7


Ans)      7 )   28   ( 4

             -   28




In the above table, it has been seen that we divided 28 by 7 and the quotient is 4. If we cross verify the multiplication fact then we can find  7 x 4 = 28. So this is the right path to find the quotient and right answer too.


Q.2)  Divide 45 by 5


Ans)      5 )   45   ( 9

             -   45




In the above table , it has been seen that we divided 45 by 5 and the quotient is 9. If we cross verify the multiplication fact then we can find  9 x 5 = 45. So this is the right path to find the quotient and right answer too.