Addition is a conjugation of two numbers or in a simple word Addition is to put any object, number along with and the sign of “Addition” is ‘+’. The numbers which are involved for Addition are called “ADDEND” and the answer we get that is called “SUM”.

Till now you have learnt Ones (O), Tens (T), Hundreds (H). Now you will learn Thousands which is implicated by Th.

So, we will learn today 4 (four) digit addition including of Ones ,Tens, Hundreds & Thousands.

4-Digit Addition without Regrouping

Example 1. – Add 2143 and 2312


Step.1) Add The ‘Ones’ first

3 ‘Ones’ + 2 ‘Ones’ = 5 ‘Ones’

Write 5 in the ‘Ones’ column.

Step.2) Then Add The ‘Tens’

 4 ‘Tens’ + 1 ‘Ten’ = 5 ‘Tens’

                                       Write 5 in the ‘Tens’ column.

Step.3) Now Add The ‘Hundreds’

           1 ‘Hundred’ + 3 ‘Hundreds’ = 4 ‘Hundreds’

           Write 4 in the ‘Hundreds’ column.

Step.4) At the end Add the ‘Thousands’

         2 ‘Thousands’ + 2 ‘Thousands’ = 4 ‘Thousands’

            Write 4 in the ‘Thousands’ column.

             So, the answer is 4455.


Example 2. – Add 3425 and 4253


Step.1) Add The ‘Ones’ first

5 ‘Ones’ + 3 ‘Ones’ = 8 ‘Ones’

Write 8 in the ‘Ones’ column.

Step.2) Then Add The ‘Tens’

          2 ‘Tens’ + 5 ‘Ten’ = 7 ‘Tens’

          Write 7 in the ‘Tens’ column.

Step.3) Now Add The ‘Hundreds’

         4 ‘Hundreds’ + 2 ‘Hundreds’ = 6 ‘Hundreds’

         Write 6 in the ‘Hundreds’ column.

Step.4) At the end Add the ‘Thousands’

         3 ‘Thousands’ + 4 ‘Thousands’ = 7 ‘Thousands’

         Write 7 in the ‘Thousands’ column.

         So, the answer is 7678.


Example 3. – Add 5127 and 3241


Step.1) Add The ‘Ones’ first

7 ‘Ones’ + 1 ‘Ones’ = 8 ‘Ones’

Write 8 in the ‘Ones’ column.

Step.2) Then Add The ‘Tens’

                                       2 ‘Tens’ + 4 ‘Ten’ = 6 ‘Tens’

                                       Write 6 in the ‘Tens’ column.

Step.3) Now Add The ‘Hundreds’

   1 ‘Hundred’ + 2 ‘Hundreds’ = 3 ‘Hundreds’

     Write 3 in the ‘Hundreds’ column.

Step.4) At the end Add the ‘Thousands’

    5 ‘Thousands’ + 3 ‘Thousands’ = 8 ‘Thousands’

     Write 8 in the ‘Thousands’ column.

          So, the answer is 8368.