In a number series or in any collection of numbers which number digit is greater than other given number digit, those particular number is Greater or Greatest numbers between series of given number, and in the same way we can say in these number series which number is smaller or smallest than other given numbers is called smallest number.

On the other ward, we can say that, in descending order (biggest to smallest) of digit which particular digit is bigger than other number is called Greatest number and in ascending order (smallest to biggest) of digit, which particular number digit is smallest then other is called Smallest number.

For example- Find biggest and smallest number digit from the given series of number digit below and the series are –

                     1)  12 , 15 , 23 , 42 , 21 ,  11 , 9 , 28

                     2)  14 , 19 , 22 , 34 , 27 , 3 , 10

                     3)  25 , 32, 18 , 22 , 6 , 47 , 37 , 15.


1)   12 , 15 , 23 , 42 , 21 ,  11 , 9 , 28

 In the above number digit series if we rearrange in descending (biggest to smallest) and ascending order (smallest to biggest) order series then the series becomes –

Descending order –  42 , 28 , 23 , 21 , 15 , 12 , 11 , 9

Ascending order9 , 11 , 12 , 15 , 21 , 23 , 28 , 42

Now, you can observe above two both the series (Rearrange) 9 is small number then rest of the other numbers of the series, so 9 is the smallest number in this series.

And, 42 is the big number then rest of the other number in the series, so 42 is the Biggest/Greatest number in this number digit series.


2)  14 , 19 , 22 , 34 , 27 , 3 , 10

In the above number digit series if we rearrange in descending (biggest to smallest) and ascending order (smallest to biggest) order series then the series becomes –

Descending order –  34 , 27 , 22 , 19 , 14 , 10 , 3 .

Ascending order3 , 10 , 14 , 19 , 22 , 27 , 34 .

Now, you can observe above two both the series (Rearrange) 3 is small number then rest of the other numbers of the series, so 3 is the smallest number in this series.

And, 34 is the big number then rest of the other number in the series, so 34 is the Biggest/Greatest number in this number digit series.


3)   25 , 32, 18 , 22 , 6 , 47 , 37 , 15.

In the above number digit series if we rearrange in descending (biggest to smallest) and ascending order (smallest to biggest) order series then the series becomes –

Descending order –  47 , 37 , 32 , 25 , 22 , 18 , 15 , 6 .

Ascending order6 , 15 , 18 , 22 , 25 , 32 , 37 , 47 .

Now, you can observe above two both the series (Rearrange) 6 is small number then rest of the other numbers of the series, so 6 is the smallest number in this series.

And, 47 is the big number then rest of the other number in the series, so 47 is the Biggest/Greatest number in this number digit series.


Q.1) Please Prepare the Greatest & Smaller number from the series 1,2,3,4.

If we would like to find greatest number then we will follow descending order and the number must be 4321 and if we find smallest number from the same series then we will follow ascending order and you will find the smallest number which is 1234.


Q.2) Please Prepare the Greatest & Smaller number from the series  5, 8,9,6.

If we would like to find greatest number then we will follow descending order and the number must be 9865 and if we find smallest number from the same series then we will follow ascending order and you will find the smallest number which is 5689.


Q.3) Please find the smallest and greatest number between 254, 384 & 534.

Please observe in first number (254) first digit is 2

                            In second number (384) first digit is 3

                            In third number (534) first digit is 5

Now if you arrange in descending or ascending order you can find 5 is biggest number, then 3 is middle number ( because 3 is smaller than 5 but bigger than 2) and 2 is smallest number.

So, series of descending order of these number should be 534 , 384 , 254

And , series of descending order of these number should be 254 , 384 , 534

In above series we can say in this series smallest number is 254 and biggest number is 534.


Q.4) Please find the smallest and greatest number between 174, 132 & 129.

Please observe in first number (174) first digit is 1

                            In second number (132) first digit is 1

                            In third number (129) first digit is 1

But in above analysis we cannot understand which number digit of first position is bigger or smaller because all the first digit of these three numbers are 1.

Now we will consider second digit of every number, and you can find-

Please observe in first number (174) second digit is 7

                            In second number (132) second digit is 3

                            In third number (129) second digit is 2

Now if you arrange in descending or ascending order you can find 7 is biggest number, then 3 is middle number ( because 3 is smaller than 7 but bigger than 2) and 2 is smallest number.

So, series of descending order of these number should be 174 , 132 , 129

And , series of descending order of these number should be 129 , 132 , 174.

In above series we can say in this series smallest number is 129 and biggest number is 174.