As we all know about like & unlike fraction-
(1) The fraction having same denominators is called like fraction, such as -
11 9 18 27
-------, -------, --------, -------
29 29 29 29
(2) Fraction having different denominators is called unlike fraction, such as -
7 12 31 27
-------, -------, -------, -------
25 75 47 50
Now we will learn about like & unlike decimal -
As we know that - Number of digits on the right of decimal point is the number of decimal places
➢ The decimals having same number of decimal places are called like decimals.
Examples : 0.055, 1.245, 25.485 are like decimals (all given numbers has three decimal places)
In above given table, all numbers has got two decimal places, so above all decimal numbers are like decimals.
➢ The decimals having different number of decimal places are called unlike decimals.
Examples : 0.50, 21.4, 5.805 are unlike decimals.
In above given table, all numbers has got different decimal places, so above all decimal numbers are unlike decimals.