Ordering Fractions in Ascending Order With Same Denominators -
For the fractions having the same denominator, the fraction with the smallest numerator is the smallest.
Example: Arrange 3⁄7, 2⁄7, 5⁄7, 1⁄7 in ascending order and descending order.
Comparing the numerators, we get 1 < 2 < 3 < 5
Therefore, 1⁄7 < 2⁄7 < 3⁄7 < 5⁄7 in ascending
and, 5/7 > 3/7 > 2/7 > 1/7 in descending order.
Ordering Fractions in Ascending Order With Same Numerators -
When the fractions have the same numerator, the fraction with the highest denominator is the smallest.
Example: Arrange 3⁄7 , 3⁄8 , 3⁄5 , 3⁄4 in ascending order and descending order.
Here, the numerator is 3 in all the fractions. So, we compare the denominator. On comparing the denominators, we get: 4 < 5 < 7 < 8
Therefore, 3⁄8 < 3⁄7 < 3⁄5 < 3⁄4 in ascending order
and, 3/4 > 3/5 > 3/7 > 3/8 in descending order