Convert the fractions to the like denominators (or numerators) and then compare and order them.
8 9 7
EXAMPLE.1) Arrange in ascending order ------, ------, ------
25 16 10
Ans.) Here, the denominators 25, 16, and 10. as well as numerator 8, 9, and 7 of the given fraction is not equal.
Denominators of the given fractions are 25, 16, and 10.
In this case we have to find out the LCM of denominator of given fraction.
LCM of 25, 16 and 10 is 400.
So, now we will find the equivalent fractions.
8 8 X 16 128
------- = ------------ = -------
25 25 X 16 400
9 9 X 25 225
------- = ---------- = ---------
16 16 X 25 400
7 7 X 40 280
------- = ---------- = -------
10 10 X 40 400
So, as per the obtained equivalent fraction, numerators are 128, 225, 280
So, 128 < 225 < 280
128 225 280
Or, -------- < -------- < --------
400 400 400
8 9 7
=> -------- < -------- < -------- (Ans.)
25 16 10
5 6 3 7
EXAMPLE.2) Arrange in ascending order ------, ------, ------, ------
20 25 10 30
Ans.) Here, the denominators 20, 25, 10, and 30. as well as numerator 5, 6, 3, and 7 of the given fraction is not equal.
Denominators of the given fractions are 20, 25, 10, and 30.
In this case we have to find out the LCM of denominator of given fraction.
LCM of 20, 25, 10 and 30 is 300.
So, now we will find the equivalent fractions.
5 5 X 15 75
------ = ----------- = --------
20 20 X 15 300
6 6 X 12 72
------- = ---------- = ---------
25 25 X 12 300
3 3 X 30 90
------- = ---------- = -------
10 10 X 30 300
7 7 X 10 70
------ = --------- = -------
30 30 X 10 300
So, as per the obtained equivalent fraction, numerators are 75, 72, 90, 70
So, 70 < 72 < 75 < 90.
70 72 75 90
Or, ------- < ------- < ------ < ------
300 300 300 300
7 6 5 3
=> ------- < ------- < ------- < ------- (Ans.)
30 25 20 10