Converting 12 hours time pattern to 24 hours time Pattern
For a.m timing mention hours and minutes side by side without separating them (writing hours as a two digit number)
For p.m timings, add 12 to the hours and then write hours and minutes together without separating them. Some example is mentioned below-
12 hours Time pattern 24 hours Time pattern
8.23 a.m 0823 hours
5.40 p.m 1740 hours (1200 + 0540 = 1740 hours)
11.45 a.m 1145 hours
10.55 a.m 1055 hours
1.25 p.m 1325 hours (1200 + 0125 = 1325 hours)
11.10 p.m 2310 hours (1200 + 1110 = 2310 hours)