You will be very pleased to know that Decimal is nothing but a fraction with ‘Denominator’ like 10, 100, 1000, and so on. To convert these fractions to Decimal observe the ‘Denominator’, there should be as many digits after decimal point depend on how many zero ‘0’ are there in the ‘Denominator’ of the given fraction.
1) First confirm ‘Numerator’ & ‘Denominator’ must be in the form of simplest as much as possible. Secondly In this process first observe in ‘Divisor’ how many zero ‘0’ is there, this will decide the position of point. If there is only one zero then the position of point will be just one position left from ‘Numerator’.
2) First confirm ‘Numerator’ & ‘Denominator’ must be in the form of simplest as much as possible. Secondly In this process first observe in ‘Divisor’ how many zero ‘0’ is there, this will decide the position of point. If there is two zero then the position of point will be just two position left from ‘Numerator’.
3) First confirm ‘Numerator’
& ‘Denominator’ must be
in the form of simplest as much as possible. Secondly
In this process first observe in ‘Divisor’ how will decide the position of point. If
there is three zero then the position of point will be just three positions left from ‘Numerator’.
4) First confirm ‘Numerator’ & ‘Denominator’ must be in the form of simplest as much as possible. Secondly In this process first observe in ‘Divisor’ how many zero ‘0’ is there, this will decide the position of point. If there is four zero then the position of point will be just forth position left from ‘Numerator’.
In the above all the situation on conversion from fraction to decimal we can observe the position of the point, now we will try to understand more deeply.
Suppose there is a fraction number ---------, we have to convert
to decimal. In ‘Numerator’ there is 28, You can consider ‘Numerator’ 28.00 instead of 28, because value of the ‘zero’ 0, if it is placed after the point, is valueless.
So, 28 is equal to 28.00 and it is applicable for other numbers also it may be a prime number or a composite number.
28 28.00
So, ---------- = ---------- = 2.800 = 2.8 (Ans.)
10 10
we can observe that, 28 is built with two digit 2 & 8, where divisor 10 has only one zero ‘0’ then the positions of the point must be one place left from 8 ‘Ones’. so, the number must be 2.8 (Ans.)
Example –
1) 25/10 = ?
25 25.00
So, ----------- = ---------- = 2.500 = 2.5 (Ans.)
10 10
we can observe that, 25 is built with two digit 2 & 5, where divisor 10 has only one zero ‘0’ then the position of point must be one place left from 5 ‘Ones’. so, the number must be 2.5 (Ans.)
2) 37/100 = ?
37 37.00
So, --------- = ---------- = 0.3700 = 0.37 (Ans.)
100 100
we can observe that, 37 is built with two digit 3 & 7, where divisor 100 has two zero ‘0’ then the position of point must be two places left from 7 ‘Ones’. so, the number must be 0.37 (Ans.)
3) 56/1000 = ?
56 56.00
So, ----------- = ----------- = 0.05600 = 0.056
1000 1000
we can observe that, 56 is built with two digit 5 & 6, where divisor 1000 has three zero ‘0’ then the position of point must be three places left from 6 ‘Ones’. but due to double digit number there is no ‘Hundreds’. So we place 0 at ‘Hundred’ before 5 ‘Tens’ to make 56 as three decimal numbers. now the position of point should be three places left from 6 ‘Ones’.
4) 234/1000 = ?
234 234.00
So, --------- = --------- = 0.234 (Ans.)
1000 1000
we can observe that, 234 is built with three digit 2,3 & 4, where divisor 1000 has three zero ‘0’ then the position of point must be three places left from 4 ‘Ones’. so, the number must be 0.234 (Ans.)
5) 78/10000 = ?
78 78.00
So, ---------- = ----------- = 0.007800 = 0.0078
10000 10000
we can observe that, 78 is built with two digit 7 & 8, where divisor 10000 has four zero ‘0’ then the position of point must be forth place left from 8 ‘Ones’ . but due to double digit number there is no ‘Hundreds’ & ‘Thousand” place. So we place 0 at ‘Hundred’ and ‘Thousand’ place before 7 ‘Tens’ to make 78 as four decimal numbers. Now the position of point should be forth place left from 8 ‘Ones’.