Converting from Decimals to Fraction
To convert Decimal number to Fraction, write a decimal number as ‘Numerator’ with no decimal point and in ‘Denominator’.
Write 1 followed by many zero ‘0’ as per the digit after the decimal point provided in the given number.
1) Find a fraction of 0.25
Ans) 0.25 = ----------
( In that case, there are two decimal number, therefore 1 followed by two zero ‘0’ in ‘Denominator’ is placed and write decimal number as ‘Numerator’ with no decimal point)
2) Find a fraction of 0.0039
Ans) 0.0039 = ----------
( In that case, there are four decimal number, therefore 1 followed by four zero ‘0’ in ‘Denominator’ is placed and write decimal number as ‘Numerator’ with no decimal point)
3) Find a fraction of 3.027
Ans) 3.027 = -----------
( In that case, there are three decimal number, therefore 1 followed by three zero ‘0’ in ‘Denominator’ is placed and write decimal number as ‘Numerator’ with no decimal point)
4) Find a fraction of 23.45
Ans) 23.45 = -----------
( In that case, there are two decimal number, therefore 1 followed by two zero ‘0’ in ‘Denominator’ is placed and write decimal number as ‘Numerator’ with no decimal point)
5) Find a fraction of 745.8
Ans) 745.8 = -----------
( In that case there are one decimal number, therefore 1 followed by one zero ‘0’ in ‘Denominator’ is placed and write decimal number as ‘Numerator’ with no decimal point)