To arrange fractions in ascending order, we need to find a common denominator for all the fractions and then compare the numerators. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Arrange the following fractions in ascending order: 1/3, 2/5, 4/15, 1/6
Therefore, the fractions arranged in ascending order are: 1/6, 4/15, 1/3, 2/5.
To arrange fractions in ascending order, we need to find a common denominator for all the fractions. Once we have a common denominator, we can compare the numerators and arrange the fractions accordingly. Here are the steps to arrange fractions in ascending order:
Let's take an example to understand this better. Suppose we have to arrange the fractions 1/3, 2/5, and 4/15 in ascending order.
Therefore, the fractions arranged in ascending order are:
4/15, 5/15, 6/15.
Simplifying the fractions gives:
4/15, 1/3, 2/5.
So, now we come to know that the basic rules for arranging fraction into ascending order -
First find the L.C.M. Then form equivalent fractions such that the denominators are equal to the L.C.M. Then write in ascending order comparing the numerators.
Example.1) Arranging Following fraction in ascending order -
7 5 2
-------, -------, -------
24 12 3
Now, we would like to find the LCM of all the denominator of given fraction, and then we will divide obtained LCM by every denominator of given fraction one by one and then will multiply numerator and denominator by obtained quotient and make equalize all the denominator of the given fraction.
7 7 × 1 7
------- = ---------- = ------- [24 (LCM) ÷ 24 = 1]
24 24 × 1 24
5 5 × 2 10
------- = --------- = -------- [24 (LCM) ÷ 12 = 2]
12 12 × 2 24
2 2 × 8 16
------ = --------- = -------- [24 (LCM) ÷ 3 = 8]
3 3 × 8 24
7 10 16
------ < ------- < -------
24 24 24
(as 7 < 10 < 16)
The fractions arranged in ascending order :
7 5 2
------- < ------- < ------- (Ans.)
24 6 3
Example.2) Arranging Following fraction in ascending order -
5 4 7
-------, -------, -------
9 27 18
Now, we would like to find the LCM of all the denominator of given fraction, and then we will divide obtained LCM by every denominator of given fraction one by one and then will multiply numerator and denominator by obtained quotient and make equalize all the denominator of the given fraction.
5 9 × 5 45
------- = ---------- = ------- [54 (LCM) ÷ 9 = 6]
9 9 × 6 54
4 4 × 2 8
------- = ---------- = -------- [54 (LCM) ÷ 27 = 2]
27 27 × 2 54
7 7 × 3 21
------- = --------- = ------- [54 (LCM) ÷ 18 = 3]
18 18 × 3 54
8 21 45
-------, --------, --------
54 54 54
(as 8 < 21 < 45)
The fractions arranged in ascending order :
4 7 5
------- < ------- < ------- (Ans.)
27 18 9