To express a number as a percentage of another number, you can follow these steps:
In summary, to express a number X as a percentage of another number Y, divide X by Y and then multiply the result by 100.
Another way of understanding -
To express a number as a percentage of another number, you can follow these steps:
Here's the formula: Percentage = (Number 1 / Number 2) * 100
Let's illustrate this with an example: Suppose you want to express 25 as a percentage of 80.
Percentage = (25 / 80) * 100 = 0.3125 * 100 = 31.25%
So, 25 is approximately 31.25% of 80.
To express a number as percentage of another, we divide the number with the other number and then convert it into percentage by multiplying it by 100.
There are some examples are given below for better understanding -
a) 15 paise as percentage of Rs. 1
15 paise as percentage of Rs. 1
First we convert Rs. 1 into paise. Rs. 1 = 100 paise Now we express 15 p of 100 p as a percentage.
------- × 100 = 15 % (Ans.)
100 [Equal factors in numerator and denominator is 100]
b) 12 g as a percentage of 500 g
12 g as a percentage of 500 g
Since both numbers have same unit,
12 12
------- × 100 = -------- [500 and 100 have the common factor 100]
500 5
= 2.4 % (Ans.)
c) 350 m as a percentage of 3.5 km
Ans.) 350 m as a percentage of 3.5 km. First convert 3.5 km into m
1 km = 1000 m
3.5 km = 3.500 × 1000 = 3 . 5 0 0 × 1000 = 3500 m
Now express 350 m of 3500 m as a percentage.
-------- × 100
[3500 and 100 have the common factor 100 & 350 and 35 have the common factor 35]
= 10% (Ans.)