Converting a decimal into a percentage involves multiplying the decimal value by 100 and adding the percentage symbol (%). Here's how you can do it:
Example.1) Convert 0.75 to a percentage.
Step 1:- Take the Decimal Value Let's say you have a decimal, such as 0.75.
Step 2:- Multiply by 100 To convert the decimal to a percentage, multiply the decimal value by 100:
Percentage = Decimal X 100
For example, to convert 0.75 to a percentage:
Percentage = 0.75 × 100 = 75%
So, 0.75 is equivalent to 75% as a percentage. (Ans.)
Here's another example:-
Example.2) Problem: Convert 0.325 to a percentage.
Step 1:- Take the Decimal Value The given decimal is 0.325.
Step 2:- Multiply by 100
Percentage = 0.325 X 100 = 32.5%
So, 0.325 is equivalent to 32.5% as a percentage. (Ans.)
In general, to convert a decimal d to a percentage:
Percentage = d × 100
This represents the decimal value as a portion of 100, expressed as a percentage.