Converting a percentage into a fraction involves expressing the percentage as a fraction with a denominator of 100. Here's how you can do it:-
25 25 ÷ 25 1
--------- = ------------ = -------
100 100 ÷ 25 4
So, 25% is equivalent to 1/4 as a fraction. (Ans.)
Let's take another example:-
Example.2) If you have 60% and you want to convert it to a fraction:-
Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 20:
60 60 ÷ 20 3
--------- = ------------ = -------
100 100 ÷ 20 5
So, 60% is equivalent to 3/5 as a fraction. (Ans.)
In general, to convert a percentage p% to a fraction:
And then simplify the fraction if possible. This fraction represents the ratio of the given percentage to the whole (which is 100 in terms of percentages).