In this fraction system, you can not directly find out the desired ‘Numerator’ or ‘Denominator’ of a given fraction.

Q1.) Please find out the equivalent fraction of 30/35 with ‘Numerator’ 72

Step.1) First divide 72 by ‘Numerator’ 30 obtained from the given fraction. But, 72 is not divisible by 30.

Step.2) In this step we will simplify both ‘Numerator’ and ‘Denominator’ by natural numbers till the last end.

Step.3) Now divide 72 by ‘Numerator’ 6 obtained from a new simplified fraction 6/7. 

So, 72 ÷6 = 12. 12 is the Quotient

Step.4) Multiply ‘Numerator’ 6 & ‘Denominator’ 7 Obtained from new simplified fraction by quotient 12.

Q2.) Please find out equivalent fraction of 35/45 with ‘Denominator’ 108.


Ans.) If ------- is the fraction & ‘Denominator’ should be 108 


Step.1) First divide 108 by ‘Denominator’ 45 obtained from the given fraction. But, 108 is not divisible by 45.

Step.2) In this step we will simplify both ‘Numerator’ and ‘Denominator’ by natural numbers till last end.

Step.3) Now divide 108 by ‘Denominator’ 9 obtained from new simplified fraction 7/9. 

So, 108 ÷ 9 = 1212 is the Quotient.

Step.4) Multiply ‘Numerator’ 7 & ‘Denominator’ 9 Obtained from new simplified fraction by quotient 12.