Plotting points using Roman numerals is unconventional, as Roman numerals are typically used for representing numbers rather than coordinates on a graph. In standard graphing systems, Cartesian coordinates (using Arabic numerals) are more commonly employed.
However, if you're looking for a creative or artistic representation and want to use Roman numerals as labels for points on a graph, you can still achieve this in a custom way.
Roman numerals are usually used to label the four quadrants.
The upper right quadrant (I) contains all the points with positive ‘x’ and positive ‘y’ values.
The upper left quadrant (II) contains all the points with negative ‘x’ and positive ‘y’ values.
The lower left quadrant (III) contains all the points with negative ‘x’ and negative ‘y’ values.
The lower right quadrant (IV) contains all the points with positive ‘x’ and negative ‘y’ values.