Addition of Like Term
The sum of two or more like terms is another like term, the coefficient of which is the sum of the coefficient of the like terms.
Example –
1) 7x + 4x -9x = 11 x – 9x = 2x
2) 10xy + 12xy – 8yx = 22xy – 8xy = 14xy
3) 25ab – 15ab + 5ba = 30ab – 15ab = 15ab
4) 9x² - 8x² + 10x² = 19x² - 8x² = 11x²
5) 15y⁴x² + 10x²y⁴ + 15x²y⁴ = 40 x²y⁴
Addition of Unlike Term –
Unlike terms cannot be added, we will write them along with their signs to form an algebraic expression.
Example –
1) the sum of -5a and 7b is to be written as -5a + 7b
2) the sum of -10x, 4y and 9z is to be written as -10x + 4y + 9z