Conversion of Fraction into Decimal Number
If the fraction is not a decimal fraction, first we have to convert it into one. To convert a decimal fraction into a decimal, we should count the number of zeros in the denominator. Then start counting from the right of the numerator, place the decimal point after as many digits as the number zeros in the denominator.
Zero is placed to the left of the decimal point if the decimal does not have any integral part. We should be adding zero to the right of the last digit after the decimal point does not change the value of a decimal.
1) ------- = 0.71
7 7 X 5 35
2) ------- = ------------ = --------- = 0.35
20 20 X 5 100
12 12 X 4 48
3) -------- = ------------ = -------- = 0.48
25 25 X 4 100
7 67 67 X 5 335
4) 3 ------ = ------- = ---------- = -------- = 3.35
20 20 20 X 5 100
7 7 X 5 35 35
4) 3 ----- = 3 -------- = 3 ----- = 3 + ------ = 3 + 0.35 = 3.35
20 20 X 5 100 100