Rounding decimals is the process of reducing the number of digits after the decimal point to a specific number while maintaining the closest possible value. Here's how you can round decimals effectively:-
Steps to Round Decimals:-
- Identify the place to round to (e.g., tenths, hundredths, thousandths).
- Look at the digit immediately to the right of the place you are rounding to:- If the digit is 5 or greater, round up (add 1 to the rounding place). If the digit is less than 5, round down (leave the rounding place unchanged).
- Remove all digits to the right of the rounding place after making adjustments.
Examples:- 1) Round 3.456 to the nearest hundredth:-
- Look at the thousandths place (6):- It’s 5 or greater, so round up.
- The result is 3.46.
2) Round 7.8123 to the nearest tenth:-
Look at the hundredths place (1):- It’s less than 5, so leave the tenths place unchanged.The result is 7.8.
3) Round 2.4999 to the nearest whole number:-
- Look at the tenths place (4):- It’s less than 5, so round down.
- The result is 2.
Special Cases:-
- Rounding to fewer digits than exist:- Example:- Round 123.45678 to the nearest thousandth → 123.457.
- Rounding to more digits than exist:- Example:- Round 4.5 to the nearest hundredth → 4.50 (adding a trailing zero).
- Negative numbers follow the same rules:- Example:- Round -2.678 to the nearest tenth → -2.7.