Rounding decimals is the process of reducing the number of digits after the decimal point to a specific number while maintaining the closest possible value. Here's how you can round decimals effectively:-

Steps to Round Decimals:-

  1. Identify the place to round to (e.g., tenths, hundredths, thousandths).
  2. Look at the digit immediately to the right of the place you are rounding to:- If the digit is 5 or greater, round up (add 1 to the rounding place). If the digit is less than 5, round down (leave the rounding place unchanged).
  3. Remove all digits to the right of the rounding place after making adjustments.

Examples:-  1) Round 3.456 to the nearest hundredth:-

  • Look at the thousandths place (6):-  It’s 5 or greater, so round up.
  • The result is 3.46.

2) Round 7.8123 to the nearest tenth:-        

  • Look at the hundredths place (1):-  It’s less than 5, so leave the tenths place unchanged.
  • The result is 7.8.

  • 3) Round 2.4999 to the nearest whole number:-

    • Look at the tenths place (4):-  It’s less than 5, so round down.
    • The result is 2.

    Special Cases:-

    1. Rounding to fewer digits than exist:-  Example:-  Round 123.45678 to the nearest thousandth → 123.457.
    2. Rounding to more digits than exist:-  Example:-  Round 4.5 to the nearest hundredth → 4.50 (adding a trailing zero).
    3. Negative numbers follow the same rules:-  Example:-  Round -2.678 to the nearest tenth → -2.7.