Like & Unlike Fraction
If in two or more fraction has the same Denominator then we can talk Like Fraction and when in two or in more fraction there are not the same Denominator then those fractions are called Unlike Fraction. To reduce a fraction to its simplest form, cancel out the common factors in the numerator and the denominator. To convert two or more fractions into like fraction, multiply the numerator and the denominator of each fraction by – ( LCM of denominators of all fractions ÷ denominator of the fraction ). To compare two fractions, change them into like fractions, after this, the fraction with the larger numerator will be bigger.
Example –
5 4 7
Like Fraction = -------, -------, -------
8 8 8
5 7 3
Unlike Fraction = -------, -------, ------
16 9 5
Conversion from Unlike Fraction to Like fraction –
5 7 3
------- , ------- , -------
16 8 12
Convert below fractions into Like Fraction
5 7 3
------ , ------ , ------
16 8 12
Step.1 – Find the LCM of the given denominator
Step.2- Divide obtained LCM by all the given denominator
Step.3 – multiply the numerator & denominator of each fraction by the corresponding obtained quotient.
48 ÷ 16 = 3 , 48 ÷ 8 = 6 , 48 ÷ 12 = 4
5 5 X 3 15
------ = --------- = --------
16 16 X 3 48
7 7 X 6 42
------ = ---------- = -------
8 8 X 6 48
3 3 X 4 12
------ = --------- = -------
12 12 X 4 48
5 7 3 15 42 12
-----, ------,------ = ------,------,------- Like Fraction
16 8 12 48 48 48 (Ans.)
Example– 2
Arrange the given fraction in Ascending & Descending Order
8 4 10
15 25 45
8 4 10
------- ,-------, -------
15 25 45
8 4 10
-------, -------, -------
15 25 45
Step.1 – Find the LCM of the given denominator
Step.2 - Divide obtained LCM by all the given denominator
Step.3 – multiply the numerator & denominator of each fraction by the corresponding obtained quotient.
225 ÷ 15 = 15 , 225 ÷ 25 = 9 , 225 ÷ 45 = 5
8 8 X 15 120
-------- = ----------- = ---------
15 15 X 15 225
4 4 X 9 36
----------- = ----------------- = ---------
25 25 X 9 225
10 10 X 5 50
----------- = ---------------- = ---------
45 45 X 5 225
8 4 10 120 36 50
------,------,------ = ------,------,------ Like Fraction (Ans.)
15 25 45 225 225 225
36 50 120 4 10 8
= ------ < ------ < ------ = ------ <------ < ------
225 225 225 25 45 15
(Ascending Order)
120 50 36 8 10 4
= ------ < ------ < ------ = ------ < ------- < -------
225 225 225 15 45 25
(Descending Order)
Example.3) –
Arrange the given fraction in Ascending & Descending Order -
7 9 11
-------, ------ , -------
10 20 30
7 9 11
------- , ------- , -------
10 20 30
7 9 11
-------, ------- , --------
10 20 30
Step.1– Find the LCM of the given denominator
Step.2- Divide obtained LCM by all the given denominator
Step.3– multiply the numerator & denominator of each fraction by the corresponding obtained quotient.
7 7 X 6 42
------- = --------- = -------
10 10 X 6 60
9 9 X 3 27
------ = --------- = -------
20 20 X 3 60
11 11 X 2 22
------- = ------------ = -------
30 30 X 2 60
7 9 11 42 27 22
------ , ------, ------- = ------ , -------,-------
10 20 30 60 60 60
(Like Fraction) (Ans.)
22 27 42 11 9 7
= ------ < ------ < ------ = ------- < ------ < ------
60 60 60 30 20 10
(Ascending Order)
42 27 22 7 9 11
= ------- < ------- < ------ = ------ < ------ < -------
60 60 60 10 20 30
(Descending Order)