Multiplication of Decimal -
To multiply between two decimals we have to follow steps which are given below –
First we have to multiply the given decimal numbers without considering the decimal point
Then we have to add the number of decimal places in the two numbers.
Then we will start counting from the right of the product, place the decimal point after as many digits as the sum of the decimal places we found/count, if the number of digits are not sufficient then we should add as many zeros ‘0’ to the left of the product as required to make it equal to the total number of decimal places in the two numbers.
1) Multiply with 1.124 and 1.5
2) Multiply with 47.25 and 24.2
The total number place of two given numbers is three, so the position of decimal point would be before three extreme right end digit of product. So, the result is 1143.450 (Ans.)
3) Multiply with 40.25 and 56
The total number place of two given numbers is two, so the position of decimal point would be before three extreme right end digit of product. So, the result is 2253.00 = 2253 [because the value of zero after the decimal point is none]. (Ans.)