Finding the square root of a decimal number using the long division method follows a similar process as for whole numbers, with extra steps for handling decimal points.
Let's go through it step by step.
Steps to Find the Square Root of a Decimal Using the Long Division Method.
Example.1) Find the square root of 12.25
Step 1:- Pair the Digits
Step 2:- Find the Largest Square
Step 3:- Double the Quotient
Step 4:- Answer
Key Points for Decimals:-
Example.2) Find the square root of decimal 12.0409
Ans.) Steps:-
1. Starting from decimal point, put arrows or bars on pairs of integers from right to left (←) as usual and on the decimals part from left ti right (→).
Example.3) Find the square root of decimal 0.00064516
Ans.) Steps:-
When the square root of a number is not exact, to find its approximate value correct to a certain place of decimal, we obtain the square root of the given number to one more place and then round off to the desired place.
Example.4) Find the square root of 9.81 correct to 2 decimal places.
So, the answer is 3.13. (Ans.)
Example.5) Find the square root of 5 correct to 2 decimal places. Hence find the value of 3 - √5.
So, the answer is 2.24 and 0.76 respectively. (Ans.)
Example.6) Find the square root of 0.006724 correct to 3 decimal places.
Example.7) Evaluate: √42.25
The required number is 6.5 (Ans.)
Example.8) Evaluate: √1.96
Ans.) Using the division method, we may find the square root of the given number;
So the answer is 1.4 (Ans.)
Example.9) Evaluate: √6.4009
Using the division method, we may find the square root of the given number;
So, the answer is 2.53 (Ans.)
Example.10) Find the square root of 387.09126