Fraction is a concept where it represents a small part of whole things or objects. If any ball is divided into four equal parts, then each part will be called one fourth and is denoted by ¼ . The line separating 1 & 4 indicates division ¼ is a fraction.
As another example for better understanding, We would like to give you a similar example – if orange is divided into 10 parts then each three parts will be called three tenth, and will be denoted by 3/10. The line separating by 3 & 10 indicates division 3/10 is a fraction. Similarly 1/2, 2/3, 3/7, 9/11, and 14/19 are also fraction. In any fraction a/b, a is called the numerator and b is called the denominator. For example, in the fraction 7/15, the numerator = 7 and the denominator = 15.
Classification of Fraction –
Common ( or simple or vulgar ) Fraction –
The numerator is any integers and the denominator is a nonzero integer other than 10, 100, 1000, etc. in a common fraction. 1/8, 5/7, and 17/77 are some common fraction.
Decimal Fraction –
The denominator is some power of ten such as 10, 100, 1000, etc. in a decimal fraction, 3/11, 17/103, and 3/1000 are some decimal fraction.
Complex Fraction –
A fraction in which the numerator or denominator or both contain fraction is called a complex fraction
7/3 9/8 7/11
-------- , -------- and -------- are some complex fraction
5/9 7/25 9/37
Proper Fraction –
The numerator is less than the denominator in a proper fraction 1 / 4, 11/38, 127/1273 are some example of proper fraction
Improper Fraction –
The numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator in an improper fraction, 32/3, 121/77, and 1327/73 are some improper fraction
Mixed Fraction ( Or Number) -
An integer together with a proper fraction is called a mixed fraction.
5 9 8
3 ------, 8 ------- and 12 ------- are some example of mixed
9 17 15
As you can observe that, in 3 -------, 3 is called the Integral Part,
and ------- is called the Fractional