The percentage is one of the very important forms of solving the problem for the purpose of a step forward to advanced mathematics. Percentage is required for any kind of mathematics including research-oriented project or for any kind of higher grade mathematical project. Percent or per centum or per century means “ in a hundred “, thus when we say 26 percent, we mean 26 out of 100. Symbolically this can be written as 26%
Some Conversion Rules Of Percentage –
Rule.1) To convert a percentage into a fraction – We will write the number as the numerator and 100 as the denominator and then reduce this fraction to its simplest form. we can also express the fraction as a ratio.
Rule.2) To convert a fraction into a percentage – multiply the fraction by 100 and add the % symbol, since ratios are essentially fractions, you can also express a ratio as a percentage.
Rule.3) To convert a percentage into a decimal – We have to remove the % sign and shift the decimal point in the number by two places to the left.
Rule.4) To convert decimal into a percentage – Shift the decimal point in the number by two places to the right and add the % sign.
Rule.5) To find a given percentage of a quantity – Write the percentage as a fraction and multiply the quantity by the fraction.
Rule.6) To express a given quantity as a percentage of another quantity – To express a given quantity as a percentage of another quantity of the same kind, we have to divide the given quantity by the other quantity, and have to multiply the result by 100 and add the % sign.
Rule.7) To find a quantity from a given percentage of a quantity – To find a quantity from a given percentage of a quantity, we have to express the given percentage as a fraction and divide the given quantity by this fraction.
Rule.8) To find the percentage change in a quantity - To find the percentage change in a quantity, write the change in the quantity as the numerator and the original quantity as the denominator, and then multiply the fraction by 100.