Conversion Of Unlike Fraction Into Like Fraction
Step.1) We have to find the LCM of the Denominators of the Fraction
Step.2) Divide the LCM by the respective denominators
Step.3) Multiply the numerator and the denominator of each fraction by the corresponding quotient obtained in Step.2
5 7 11
Example.1)- Convert -------, -------, -------- into like fraction
12 36 18
Answer) As per the given condition, first of all we have to find the LCM of the denominator
So, the required LCM of the numerator of the given = 3 X 3 X 4 X 2 = 72
Now, we will find the factor via division of obtained LCM by denominator of given Fraction respectively, so we find –
72 ÷ 12 = 6 , 72 ÷ 36 = 2 , 72 ÷ 18 = 4
Now, we will multiply obtain factor to both numerator & denominator respectively and we find –
5 5 X 6 30
--------- = ------------ = --------
12 12 X 6 72
7 7 X 2 14
--------- = ----------- = ---------
36 36 X 2 72
11 11 X 4 44
-------- = ----------- = --------
18 18 X 4 72
30 14 44
Hence, ---------, ---------, -------- (Ans.)
72 72 72