Square Root of Fraction
If we would like to find out the square root of a mixed fraction, then we have to convert it into an improper fraction. The square root of a proper or improper fraction is given by the following formula.
The square root of the numerator
The square root of a fraction = ---------------------------------
The square root of the denominator
Thus, √ x/y = √x / √y
= --------
1) Find the square root of √---------
49 √49 √7² 7
Ans.) √-------- = --------- = --------- = --------- (Ans.)
121 √121 √11² 11
2) Find the square root of √--------
121 √121 √11² 11
Ans.) √-------- = --------- = ---------- = --------- (Ans.)
169 √169 √ 13² 13